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Leader Kevin McCarthy Endorses Marc Molinaro in NY-19

Red Hook, NY - Today, the Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy, announced his endorsement of Marc Molinaro in NY-19.

“The great people of New York deserve a pragmatic leader who will listen and fight for them and that is why I proudly endorse Marc Molinaro’s candidacy for New York’s 19th Congressional District. Marc is a conservative champion focused on real results for upstate New York and his record as a State Representative and Dutchess County Executive of cutting taxes, limiting government overreach, and providing a voice for those too often left behind speaks for itself.

Simply put, he is a tireless worker whereas his do-nothing Democrat opponent, Antonio Delgado votes with Nancy Pelosi 98% of the time and is absent and ineffective. Let’s get our country back on track – join me in supporting Marc Molinaro for Congress.” said Leader Kevin McCarthy.

“Thank you Leader Kevin McCarthy for your support. I look forward to working with the next speaker of the house, to help provide the leadership the people of NY-19, and this country, deserve.” said Marc Molinaro on the endorsement.



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