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New Ad: Widow of police officer endorses Marc Molinaro in Special Election

Deadly Police Ambush! Congressman Attacked!

Pat Ryan Cowers in Silence, Molinaro Releases Ad Supporting Law Enforcement

Widow of Assassinated Police Officer Endorses Molinaro

Red Hook, NY - In the wake of the ambush on two Rochester police officers, resulting in the death of officer Anthony Mazurkiewicz, the Molinaro campaign released its latest ad, featuring Diane Piagentini; widow of police officer Joseph Piagentini who was assassinated in an attack frighteningly similar to how Officer Joseph Piagentini was killed more than 50 years ago. “Our criminal justice system is upside down, police ambushed, shot from behind, criminals repeatedly set loose because of our broken bail and discovery laws and even a Congressman and candidate for Governor attacked on stage,” said Molinaro. He continued, “I am proud to have the support of Diane and so many of the brave men and women of law enforcement, because they know in Congress I will always have their backs,” said Molinaro. Pat Ryan is backed by defund the police organizations, running on the anti-cop Working Families line, and has yet to utter a single word about the disastrous cashless bail laws. “My opponent who is backed by the defund the police radicals hasn’t uttered a word of sympathy for a murdered officer and could barely muster the will to condemn an attack on a Congressman,” said Molinaro.

In the ad, Mrs. Piagentini expresses her confidence that Marc will make a difference in Congress. To watch the ad click here. Molinaro concluded, “One party rule in Albany and Washington are destroying New York. On August 23rd voters will have an opportunity to send a message to Joe Biden, Kathy Hochul and Pat Ryan that we won’t stand for their radical policies, callous indifference and wanton incompetence any longer.”



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